
For all gameplay animations I was responsible for setting up statemachines and rigging (not skinning though).

Darktide trailer shots - late 2020:
00:00 - 00:07: - Running veteran:
Responsible for all animation work on all characters in the scene, in close collaboration with the cinematic director to make the mocap work with his vision. Based on Xsens mocap data recorded inhouse (I wasn't present for the mocap)

00:07 - 00:012: - Human with dead dog, raw mocap:
To show the quality of the recorded data, same hardware used for all mocap in the reel. No finger, prop or face tracking

00:12 - 00:20: - Human with dead dog, final:
Responsible for all work on the 2 characters screen right (Veteran & praying Zealot) + dog. Did a bit of work on the other two characters as well, but only base pass.

00:20 - 00:25: - Three humans drawing weapons:
Responsible for all work on first 2 characters, base pass on the other two. Also hand-key animated the faces.

Vermintide 2 Warrior Priest shots - mid 2021:
00:25 - 00:30: - Warrior Priest trailer, 1v2:
Was the sole animator for this trailer so did all work on all characters, including hand animated faces. I directed the mocap shoot inhouse together with cinematic director. All mocap done with one actor, same hardware as previous shots.

00:30 - 00:35: - Warrior Priest trailer, 2v2:
Same as previous scene.

00:35 - 00:43: - Warrior Priest trailer, dialogue:
I experimented with an early build of Geforce Audio2Face to generate the face animation based of an audio file, but ended up handkeying most of it. No control rig, straight up joint translations.

00:43 - 00:57: - Two Handed Hammer first person animations:
Some of the many first person animations I did for the priest's hammer, all handkey.

Vermintide 2 Outcast Engineer shots - mid 2020:
00:57 - 01:08: - a take from the trailer
In addition to all animation work, I acted in the suit for this one, but with lacking fine-detail mocap it ended up being more handkey than mocap.

01:08 - 01:50: - Dwarf Pistol & Crank gun
Some of the animations I did for the two weapons.
States for pistol shown: traversal, normal shooting, braced + shooting, reload & the "new" interactive inspection system I created.
States for crank gun shown: aiming, shooting & reload. (also snuck in that the gauge on the weapon show the current ammo, visible in the reload)

01:08 - 02:40: - Scythe wielding boss fight - early 2020:
First thing I animated at Fatshark. All handkey'ed animations.
States shown: Intro cinematic (a first for Vermintide), calling minions, AoE pushback, range attacks, special telegraphed AoE attacks leading to a exhausted loop, flying, flying attacks & death